Here's an experiment I'd like to try: playing 6d6 RPG using the Mythic GM Emulator to create a solo game.
Of course, I'm not the first to ask that question:
Aleksandar Šaranac mentioned it -->here<--
But I want to actually try it out.
Why Solo?
Well, getting friends together for gaming is hard. Especially when you have an ongoing campaign but you want to try a system, or prepare a system for a future campaign.
6d6 appears ideal for this: you can create a character in minutes, you play with cards, and you can create new things as you need them. Low prep time, easy play, flexible.
Combining Mythic's GM Emulator with it seems an easy shoe-in.
So... here goes...
What To Do?
Well, the obvious choice is to use my Traveller stuff that I worked on last week. But that would be too easy.
What I fancy is getting back to the windswept cold plains of northern Mykovnia, creating my Talia and Callix characters that I talked about several weeks ago.
Making Two Decks
All I need are two decks: one for Talia, the other for Callix.
Using what's available from 6d6 Magic so far, I reckon this should be quite quick. Giving things a Mykovnian, and thus very much Iron Age, twist should be simple.
From there, it's a short step to play: dig out the GM Emulator and set up the situation for play.
Mythic is great because prep time is minimal for a solo game and you don't need anything more than a pencil, a plot tracking sheet, and a pair of d10's.
Not sure how it'll work out... but I'll try and let you know.
Game on!