UbiquitousRat's Roleplaying Dreams

UbiquitousRat's Roleplaying Dreams: September 2012

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Rolemaster Reborn

On Friday 28th September 2012, as I was sweating in preparation to meet the guys for Friday Night Roleplay, the new Rolemaster Beta Playtest began. 

Meeting the guys to begin our new fantasy RPG campaign in the world of Heroic Mykenaea, we were also pouring over the rather excellent new rules from Iron Crown Enterprises (ICE). You can read my response to Character Law, the first of the new books to be released, on The Iron Tavern later today, and some thoughts on Spell Law will be posted their later in the week. 

So, without spoiling my articles elsewhere, what's left to talk about here? In short, I want to talk about my unbridled enthusiasm for the new Rolemaster.
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Saturday, 22 September 2012

Catching Up With Iolkus

Last week my blogging efforts went into an article on The Iron Tavern. If you've not discovered this RPG blog, it's a cool one and I was delighted to be invited to guest write about Rolemaster. Of course, that meant that we skipped a week here.

It has been a busy fortnight and a lot has happened in the campaign prep for the Iolkus campaign. There has been a player pre-game "chat", some discussion online, the development of the near-Iolkus GM map (aka Eastern Pelasgia), and lots of little bits of background added to the wiki. 

I thought it might be good to briefly talk you through what has been inspiring developments.
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Saturday, 8 September 2012

Welcome to Iolkus

It's been a frustrating wait for the new Rolemaster unified rules from Iron Crown, but it has fueled amazing progress in the setting of Heroic Mykenaea.

Ever since the announcement (back in July) that a new edition of Rolemaster would enter playtest in (ahem) August, we've been preparing to run a campaign using the playtest rules.

Regular readers may remember my previous post in which I began to prep... and it's nice to report that things have ticked along nicely.

Welcome to Iolkus!

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